Many of you are probably wondering what is Y12SR? Let me answer that for you. Y12SR connects “the dots” between the ancient wisdom of yoga, the practical tools of 12 step programs, and the latest research on trauma healing and neurobiology. As part of a holistic recovery program, it works in tandem with traditional treatment to address the physical, mental and spiritual disease of addiction. Founder Nikki Myers began offering 12 Step Recovery intensives in 2003 drawing on her background and experience to introduce an integrated practice to her local yoga and 12 step communities. In 2012 Y12SR became a nonprofit program of Off the Mat into the world. In 2015 fiscal sponsorship transitioned to the Give Back Yoga Foundation, a national nonprofit dedicated to making yoga available to the underserved. As of 2017 there are over 800 active Y12SR leaders and 250+ weekly meetings worldwide. The program serves people recovering from all manifestations of addiction, from behavioral addictions to substance abuse creating a sage place on the mat where trauma can be released. It also supports those who are impacted by a loved one’s addiction. Addiction creates a separation from ourselves, from each other, and from the divine. Connecting the 12 steps and yoga creates a model that truly addresses addiction as the physical, mental, and spiritual disease that it is. All fellowships and recovery paths are welcome. Y12SR is held at Clear Recovery of Cache Valley from 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm every Wednesday led by Lauran Hymas, a certified Y12SR leader.